▼▼ anything.everything.nothing

Rule #1

Annabel twenty five and full of life. Oscar Wilde taught her that she can resist everything, except temptation.
I believe.
Eat like a bird, arise before the rooster, rest after the cows sleep.

Disconnect to connect.

Honour's Roll
Layout is by Cia: (
Blog | Acc)
Links inspiration are from: Alissa. xoxo
All pictures taken by Annabel. :)
baby that's the best of me
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

When I started this year, I was lamenting at how far December was. How long more till I can throw my mortar board and bid tertiary education goodbye. Now, nearing the end of July, as I prepare myself for two Saturdays of exams, I wonder aloud again, I don't wanna start work so fast.

I fear that I may not be able to get a suitable job. Or rather, I am most afraid of falling short of one's expectations. I don't think I'm exceptionally good in anything, other than chewing straws. But I can't possibly impress my employers with that, can I?

Over late night coffee with my neighbour the other day, I told him that I'm the best description of "Jack of all trades, Master of none". He said I had the bookshop face and wasn't as "cheena" as what his other church mates described. I know, I'm confused. I mean, my book knowledge will never "pwned" those at BooksActually but will be superior than your average Ah-Lians-with-rebonded-hair. My grasp of Mandarin and English is probably slightly stronger than once again your average Ah Lians and gang but not good enough than say, Danny Yeo or Lee Tong King (Gosh, I miss LTK and all his lessons back in poly man. )

So, can I say, my one any only forte is chewing straws? Will that impress you?
Whatever it is, I shall leave the worries of my incompetency for another day. I have exams to study and readings to read.

The week was spent in recluse except that I was super proud of Angie who shaved her head for Hair for Hope 2011. Some of you may think that what can 2000 shaved heads do for those cancer patients?
Well, it gives those cancer patients who have lost their hair due to chemotherapy, confidence and awareness that they are not alone. Angie raised a few hundreds in pledges and while I can't offer much monetary support, the least I could do was to be there when she drop her locks.

 Angie, with lots of hair.

 Bald and Bold but still pretty.

Current and ex staff of The Arts House/TOPH.
in support of Angie and Stanley!

Everything that happens in life has a reason for it and I believed God does things the way it is because it is for the best for us - be it to break or shape us. Some day, when you look back, you will understand it all. So, today was my last Chinese tuition lesson with my first tuition kid - Paxton. Every Mon, Tues and Fri, I'll rush off after class and travel to Toa Payoh to teach him. At times, he makes me want to bang the wall and die but sometimes he makes me laugh at his childishness. As he goes forth to after-school care, I hope he won't get bullied and learn how to manage his anger.  

Back to my notes!

Swan Song.
smurfs' honour

glory of ngee ann
cheng yao
song keat
wang yu
zhai jun

the colourful ones
danny yeo laoshi
liyi laoshi